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Thoughts on Product Leadership

On Writing Well – Tips for Product Managers

In my experience, product managers struggle with concision. Their messages get lost in a sea of words. Clear communication—essential for our role—means translating complex data, ideas, and concepts into a sharp point of view.

One resource I highly recommend is Zinsser’s ‘On Writing Well.’ It is not an understatement to say that it transformed my writing. He advocates for simplicity and brevity—foundational constructs for product management writing. 

He forces you to answer the question, “What am I trying to say?” and then guides you toward clearly articulating your thoughts. Guidance ranges from granular and specific to general and directional. 

Here are core lessons to apply to your writing:

Lesson 1: Remove unnecessary words

When it comes to choosing words, strip every sentence to its cleanest components by removing:

  • every word that serves no function
  • every long word that could be a short word
  • every adverb that carries the same meaning that’s already in the verb
  • every passive construction that leaves the reader unsure of who is doing what

Writing requires thinking clearly. Focus on what you want to say, write it, and then ruthlessly edit what you have written. If what you’ve written doesn’t support your message, delete it. If it is unnecessary language, remove it. If it can be shortened, do it. 

Lesson 2: Focus on Beginnings and Endings

The most important sentence is the first sentence in your document. Make that sentence include the most important takeaway you want your reader to have. Start with the conclusions you want the reader to take away. Make your second sentence convince them to continue reading. 

Knowing when to end is critical. Most product managers write too much and should end sooner. If you have presented the necessary information and made the point you need to make, look to conclude as quickly as possible. 

Lesson 3: How to Improve Your Writing

You learn to write by writing. To be a better writer, write more. As a product manager, you will continuously write, as communication is central to the role. If your writing is not effective, you should expect to get that feedback from your audience. Take that constructively and improve your next draft.

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